dolphin and whale watching

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

dolphin and whale watching

Enjoy the ultimate eco-tourist attraction: Dolphin and whale watching. Whales migrating from both hemispheres pass by Costa Rica, so you have a pretty darn good chance of seeing whales if you go to hot spots like Drake Bay. There are huge resident populations of dolphins up and down both of Costa Rica's coasts, so it's pretty likely you can catch a glimpse of these playful creatures as well.

Killer whales, pilot whales, sei whales and beaked whales, bottlenose, spinner, roughtooth, rhissos and spotted dolphins are all seen in Costa Rica's tropical waters. Contact us to arrange dolphin or whale watching tour.

Did you know?
Costa Rica has the longest humpback whale season in the world. Migrating whales from both the northern and southern hemispheres come to Costa Rica's warm protected waters to breed and give birth.Ballena National Marine Park, just south of Dominical is named after the humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that migrate there every year. Dolphins are also commonly spotted in this area. If you're really into seeing the whales, it's best to take a day trip to Drake Bay and Cano Island where whales are sighted just about every day during their peak season.

Day trips to Drake Bay are available from Dominical, Sierpe, Puerto Jimenez and other south Pacific towns. Contact us to arrange an unforgettable day trip

  •  Experience an amazing Costa Rica adventure tour of dolphin and whale watching, starting at Playa Dominical and boat down to Drake Bay
  • Dominical Costa Rica Tours, Dolphin Watching and Whale watching Tour offers a wide Costa Rica Tours options, like dolphing and watching tours
  • Contact us to arrange dolphin or whale watching tour. ... Ballena National Marine Park, just south of Dominical is named after the humpback

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